According to video game industry analyst Daniel Ahmad |China has always required games to be officially licensed before they can be distributed or streamed in the country, but it rarely enforced this latest ban. This behavior has allowed games like Elden Ringa title that is not officially approved for sale in China, find a sizable audience on platforms like Huyathe local Twitch, so now the Government has taken the ban much more seriously to prevent any game that has not been expressly approved by them from being shown.

“What this means in practice is that unless your game is approved by the National Radio and Television Administration, it’s going to be very difficult to get visibility through live streaming, short videos, ads or other platforms and channels,” says Ahmad.

Daniel notes that FromSoftware’s latest game earned roughly 17 million daily viewers accumulated in its first week of release, but of course, now it has been remembered that in addition to the limits to the content of the games that can be broadcast on country platforms, it also asks streamers to avoid aesthetics “traffic oriented“and other behaviors”undesirables“, and to interact with viewers in an online environment “civilized and healthy“.