How to Add the Lyrics of a Song to an mp3 Automatically?

How to Add the Lyrics of a Song to an mp3 Automatically?

How to Add the Lyrics of a Song to an mp3 Automatically?

Have in our player a song that we love makes us want to learn the lyrics just because. The good thing is that it is no longer necessary to search for it separately on Google when the MP3 itself offers the opportunity to place the lyrics, so that you can quickly memorize it; This is what we are going to teach you today.

Learn how to make the most of the tools of all the music apps and fully enjoy your favorite song.

What are the requirements to be able to automatically add song lyrics to an MP3 file?

There are two important things when placing the letter of a song to your MP3 file, one is to enable the lyrics in your player, it’s no use having the lyrics if you can’t read them; Activating it is a simple process in any player, you just have to get the subtitle option and activate it.

The other thing is obviously to download the song and have it within a click’s reach. With these two things you can easily start the process of put the lyrics to your songs.

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How to add song lyrics to MP3 files automatically?

By having the subtitle option activated in your player, the MP3 files will automatically have the lyrics, however the way to configure it may vary a little depending on the team mobile you have on hand. We are going to show you some easy and free ways, you will see that you will learn the song so quickly that you will even place it as a ringtone on your phone.

On a Xiaomi player

  • Go to Xiaomi player or music menu.
  • at the top left you will find an option called ´Parameters´.
  • Within the parameters you will find several options, you have to get the one that says ‘Start screen letters’. Once you get it, click on it and you can activate it.

Following these steps you can have thelyrics of the songs in your player. However, there are times when this option is not available, in these cases you will have to use third-party applications, among the best are MusixMatch and Quicklyric, whichever of the two you use will be practical.

From Huawei player

In the Huawei music player you have to download the lyrics of the songs just when you are listening to them. Enter the player and play the song, slide to the right and you will find a notice that says ´Lyrics not available, click here to download´, you have to click on the indicated link and the server will start the process of searching for the lyrics of the song.

Depending on the update your player has, you must save the song in one place or another so that the letter can be read. If your version is 12.11.0.x or later, the music file must be saved in the music directory and the song file in the Musiclrc folder. If your player version is older than 12.11.0.x the files must be saved together.

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add song lyrics to music files automatically

Using MP3 Tag

Automatically adding song lyrics using MP3 Tag is not possible, so you have to download it manually much the same as how you download and convert an MP4 video to MP3 audio. The first thing you need to do is download the MP3 Tag app and then follow the steps below.

  • Open the app. Now drag all the songs you want to your main screen.
  • After you have the list of MP3 files, right click on one of them and select the option that says ‘Extended tags’.
  • A new window will open in which you have to click where it says ‘Add Field’ and write in the new field this: UNSYNCEDLYRICS.
  • In the new field that opens you have to paste the lyrics of the song after having searched for it in Google. You give it ‘Accept’ and that’s it.
  • To verify that the song really has the lyrics you just have to search for it, play it and check the bottom of the player that is where it will appear.
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automatically add song lyrics to your music

How to automatically add song lyrics to your MP3 files with Windows 10?

First you have to enable the option in your player, to do so go to the player and anywhere on the screen press right click, select the option that says ´Lyrics, captions, and subtitles´ and then press ´ON´. With this, the letters will already be enabled and you will only have to follow the steps that we show you below.

To add the lyrics the process is similar to that of MP3 Tag, it is not something that you can do automatically so you will have to start the music player, drag the songs to the main screen, right click on one of them until you find ´Extended tags´.ñ

Then press ‘add fields’ and type UNSYNCEDLYRICS. A new window will open, paste the lyrics of the song and then press ‘OK’ and that’s it, you will have the lyrics added to your player.

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