How to Play We Were Here Together on Linux – Easy Steps

How to Play We Were Here Together on Linux

How to Play We Were Here Together on Linux

We Were Here Together is a first-person cooperative adventure puzzle game for Windows, Xbox One, and PlayStation. It was released in 2019. Unfortunately, however, there has never been a Linux release. Fortunately, you can play this game on your Linux PC with a few tweaks.

Get us here together working on Linux

We were here together and it has a gold rating on ProtonDB, which means it works quite well on Linux. That being said, it is not a native Linux game but rather a Windows game. So in order for this game to work on your Linux system, you will need to configure the Linux version of Steam.

Instalar Steam

To get the Linux version of Steam on your computer, start by opening a terminal window on the Linux desktop. You can open a Linux terminal window by searching for “Terminal” in the application menu or by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard. When it’s open, follow the step-by-step instructions below.


To use Steam on Ubuntu, you will need to install it on your system using the fit to install command below.

sudo apt install steam


Debian users can install Steam without problems. However, you will need to download the Steam DEB package directly to your computer. To do that, use the following wget download command in terminal window.


After getting the latest version of Steam for your Debian PC, you can start the installation process. Using the dpkg command then install the latest Steam DEB package.

sudo dpkg -i steam.deb

Once the Steam DEB package is configured on your computer, you will need to correct any dependency issues that may have arisen during the installation. To do that, use the following apt-get install -f command.

sudo apt-get install -f

Arch Linux

Those who wish to use Steam on Arch Linux will first need to enable the ‘multilib’ software repository. To enable this repository, open the /etc/pacman.conf file in your favorite text editor (as root). Then find “multilib” and remove the # symbol in front and the lines directly below it.

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After editing the text file, save your edits. Then re-sync Arch with the official repositories.

sudo pacman -Syy

Finally, install the Steam application on your computer using Pacman.

sudo pacman -S steam

Fedora / OpenSUSE

If you are using OpenSUSE or Fedora Linux, you can install Steam through the software repositories included with your operating system. With that said, the Flatpak version of Steam tends to work better on these operating systems, and we suggest following those instructions instead.


Steam is in Flatpak, but you will have to configure the Flatpak runtime if you want to use it. To configure the Flatpak runtime on your computer, follow our setup guide. Once the runtime is set, use the two commands below to get the Steam app to work on your PC like Flatpak.

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

flatpak install flathub com.valvesoftware.Steam

Instalar We Were Here Together en Linux

Once Steam is set up on your computer, the We Were Here Together installation can begin. Launch Steam, log into your account, and follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Paso 1: Find the “Steam” menu and select it to reveal your options. After that, select the “Settings” menu inside and click on the “Steam Play” options. In the “Steam Play” area, check both the “Enable Steam Play for supported titles” box and the “Enable Steam Play for all other titles” box.

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Paso 2: Find the “Store” button within Steam and click on it to access the Steam store. Once in the Steam store, click on the search box and type “We Were Here Together” in the text box. press Pay in to see the results.

Paso 3: Look at the search results for “We Were Here Together” and select the game to access its Steam store page. Once on the We Were Here Together store page, look for the green “Add to Cart” button and click on it with your mouse to purchase the game and add it to your account.

Paso 4: Find the “Library” button within Steam and click on it with your mouse. After selecting the button, find the search box in the library and type “We Were Here Together.” Then select it to access the game’s Steam library page.

Click the blue “INSTALL” button to start downloading and installing We Were Here Together on your computer. Keep in mind; Downloading We Were Here Together can take a bit of time, especially if you have a slow internet connection.

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Paso 5: When the installation of We Were Here Together is complete, the blue “INSTALL” button will turn into a green “PLAY” button. Select the green “PLAY” button to start the game.

Enjoy and happy game!

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