Chris Klippel, a youtuber that belongs to the French medium Rockstar Mag, which has access to insider information from the Rockstar Games studio, revealed new details regarding the launch of Grand Thet Auto VI and the remastering of the original Red Dead Redemption.

As indicated, Grand Theft Auto VI (GTA VI) is currently being hell, to the point that the studio has restarted its development right after Dan Houser, Creative Vice President of Rockstar Games, left the company last year. What’s more, Take-Two itself planned to announce the game later that year.

Grand Theft Auto V a 8K con Mods

The youtuber also claimed that Rockstar is working on Red Dead Redemption Remastered for current generation consoles and PC. While he did not mention consoles, hopefully they are current and previous generation. This remastering será similar a la de Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy. That is, it will not be a mere remaster where they play two nonsense while with a mod the original game will look better.

Of course, its launch would still take a long time to arrive, and it will be the first time that we see this game running natively for PC (until now it had been possible to play through a PlayStation 3 emulator).

via: DSOG