And with a Red Bull on the table we present the latest product announced today by Microsoft, its Ocean Plastic Mouse. As its name suggests, this is a wireless mouse, which although it does not have RGB lighting or 16,000 DPI, at least it boasts that 20 percent of its chassis has used recycled plastic directly from the ocean.

In addition to the chassis with part of the recycled plastic, the packaging that protects it until the time of purchase is 100% recyclable.

“The Ocean Plastic Mouse is a small step forward on Microsoft’s path of sustainability. The chassis of this eco-friendly mouse is made from 20% recycled ocean plastic, a breakthrough in materials technology that begins with the elimination of plastic waste from oceans and waterways.

Recycled ocean plastic is made from plastic waste that is recovered from the oceans and waterways, cleaned and transformed into recyclable plastic resin pellets. These recycled granules are mixed during the development process of the materials that make up the case of the Ocean Plastic Mouse. “

When it comes to specs, we only know that it uses an optical sensor, connects through connectivity Bluetooth 5.0 LE o Wireless @ 2.40 GHz, and offers up to 12 months of autonomy with a single battery / AA battery, and its price will be quite affordable, and it is listed in the US by $ 24.99Therefore, recycling and the environmental message does not become an excuse to significantly increase the price of the product.