Chinese customs officers took over 5,840 XFX graphics cards for over PLN 13 million

Chinese customs officers took over 5,840 XFX graphics cards for over PLN 13 million

It looks like XFX will now have a hard time getting straight after Chinese customs officials discover the fraud it has committed. This graphics card manufacturer now has a huge problem with taxes in the background, as officials seized as many as 5,840 graphics cards from its cards for over PLN 13 million.

XFX China suspended and case still pending, which is how nearly 6,000 XFX graphics cards were seized

The incident boils down to XFX hiding the truth about its graphics cards. This manufacturer, based in the USA and with branches in other countries (including China), specifically gave incorrect specifications and names of its graphics cards in the protocols addressed to the offices in order to reduce the level of taxes and thus increase its profit on sales.

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After discovering this, customs officers seized as many as 5,840 graphics cards, all of which had the wrong specifications. Their total price is to be over PLN 13 million, and as they were not correct models, the entire shipment of graphics cards was confiscated and sent for further inspection in accordance with the law.

The case is ongoing, but now the Chinese branch of XFX and the store have been suspended, and the world is waiting for information whether it was an initiative of this branch only, or whether the decision about the manipulation came “in advance”.