Cryptocurrency prices drop significantly. A repetition of entertainment or a return to normal?

Cryptocurrency prices drop significantly.  A repetition of entertainment or a return to normal?

I’ve been dealing with the topic of cryptocurrencies for a good six years now and I can’t count how many times the market went through similar slumps to come back, if not to the top, then at least to the pre-crash price region. What caused it this time and does it mean the return of graphics cards to stores?

Cryptocurrency prices have plunged again and there is hope for cheap graphics cards than ever before

The significant drop in cryptocurrency prices this time was due to the alleged Russian blockade, the drops themselves are huge, going tens of percent in just a few days:

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This turn of events may force miners who cannot wait to wait until the “drought” period to put graphics cards on the market and thus increase their availability. This, in turn, could affect the pricing of these new cards by competition which those runaways will exert on speculators and shops looking to earn extra cash from the current situation.

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To this is added to the upcoming ASICs from Intel (Bonanza Mine) or Bitmain (Antminer S19 XP) and the potential transition of Ethereum from PoW to PoS. Therefore, it is worth refraining from buying the card now and wait for the development of events on the market.