27 schools and $ 4 million scholarship – universities are vying for this student

27 schools and $ 4 million scholarship - universities are vying for this student

Do you know that one student in every class that everyone envied? A man named Jonathan Walker, a high school student from Panama City, Florida, is such a powerful student, as when his peers compete for admission to his dream universities, he can choose the best.

The ideal student from Florida is also an avid inventor-altruist

Among the 27 dream schools to which Walker applied for approval, even those like Yale, Harvard, and Stanford, as well as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, were approved. His scholarship offers total over $ 4 million, but this success has not come out of nowhere, because this gentleman from Florida knows hard work.

Walker is enrolled in the International Baccalaureate program, which means that he attended college-level courses in the junior and senior years of high school. In addition to carrying out extracurricular activities and leading a social life, Walker is also a genius inventor and according to his statements in an interview with CBS Miami/CNN he wants to help people because he has always loved creating technologies that can help those in need.

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In fact, he previously developed a device that helps people remember to take prescription drugs, and is now working with another student on a wrist device that helps deaf and blind people to communicate better with people. In the future, he wants to implement especially non-profit projects.