A 3D printed camera that you will assemble at home? Why not!

Photography and 3D printing technology have more and more in common. And we are not only talking about spools created with this technique, but also about small-sized cameras that can be printed and then assembled by yourself.

Standard Cameras has recently entered the market, offering the product described in the introduction. There was even a campaign on the Kickstarter platform. Its assumption was to raise $ 15,000, which would allow the production of cameras, the price of which would be around $ 320. Although the collection will take four more days, the required amount has long since been exceeded.

The author of the idea, Drew Nikonowicz, wanted to create equipment intended for beginners, e.g. hobbyists or film school students. He set himself the goal of producing a durable gadget, adapted to work in various conditions, but at the same time available at a low price. The designer admits that the idea has been with him since high school, when his fascination with photography began.

The entire structure is designed with a view to its possible improvement and reconfiguration. The camera is large-format and its format is 9 × 12 centimeters. Linhof and Wista lenses fit it, and in total the camera weighs less than a kilogram. According to the creator’s recommendations, potential buyers should also obtain a number of gadgets, such as a tripod, light meter or film holders.

There is a video on the web showing the assembly of a camera from single elements and even several photos taken on the occasion of the Standard Camera. The effect of the works looks neat, and the photos themselves look very atmospheric. It is not known whether the purchase of the camera also gives the skills needed to take high-quality photos.

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[Źródło: engineering.com; grafika: Standard Cameras]