Android Pie is now ready for download for selected smartphones

Android Pie is now ready for download for selected smartphones

Recently, we have speculated that the new Android system will appear around August 20. It turns out, however, that this was wrong thinking and the system itself is ready.

Its latest version is now available for download on Pixel smartphones. Owners of Pixel, Pixel XL, Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL should receive the Pie update today. Several things will change with it. Google has worked with DeepMind on the Adaptive Batter feature. Its purpose is to use machine learning to prioritize specific applications. Thanks to this, smartphones have a longer battery life. Android Pie also has a do not disturb mode that removes all visual alerts, including those regarding new notifications. You will be able to set it to turn on at a specific time. The system also offers extended gesture support, some of which have been copied from the iPhone X.

If you have a Pixel smartphone, let me know if you can download this update. Also, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts on Android Pie with us.

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