How much data does humanity put on the web every minute?


The Internet is a powerhouse. The Internet is something that connects people in an unbelievable way. The Internet has changed the world and will likely continue to change it.

But are we really aware of how much data we – users – generate at every moment of our surfing? What huge amounts of information end up in our “huge electronic garbage can”? Each of our actions – from posting videos on Youtube, through writing silly comments on Instagram, to posting photos of a sleeping dog on your wall on Facebook – everything we do in the online environment is imprinted with new clusters of new data produced by us.

According to the Domo business platform, the total global internet user population has grown by 14.3% over the past two years. This gives a total of 2.4 billion people connected to the Internet!

Here are some real numbers that appeal to your imagination. We present an infographic showing how we “enrich” the Internet every minute that passes:

It makes an impression, isn’t it? 277,000 tweets, 83,000 transactions via Amazon, 204 million emails, 4 million queries on Google… all in just sixty seconds.

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It’s hard to disagree with the title of the above statement – data never sleeps …

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