IBM of the NYPD is developing AI to search for people by race

wyszukiwanie po rasie

Three months ago, the American Civil Liberties Union revealed that Amazon provided facial recognition technology to local law enforcement. Now it turns out that IBM is working with New York City Police to develop a system that segregates people by skin color, gender, age and facial features.

The IBM system used thousands of photos from 50 cameras supplied by the NYPD. On this basis, he learned 16,000 identification points that allow him to identify color or other features of the body. It can also detect potential threats such as unsupervised parcels or people entering unauthorized areas. This software was already tested in 2012, but apparently for a completely different purpose. Now the officers were to be instructed to turn off the color of the skin.

The department also confirmed that it chose not to deploy the AI ​​or an improved version of it. All this for fear for public opinion. Do you think such software should be put into use by the police, or is it already an overkill?

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