Spyra One is a really new generation of water guns

Spyra One is a really new generation of water guns

I think each of us was running when we were young with some giver filled with water. It turns out, however, that the simplest models are a complete embarrassment when we put the innovative “Spyra One” next to them.

This is a project of a fan of this summer activity, who in 2015 realized that there is nothing interesting on the water weapons market. So he decided to create his own project that will revolutionize this segment on the market. It is evident that not only he was bored with traditional solutions, because Spyra One on Kickstarter was supported by over 2,300 people who contributed a total of $ 414,000 dollars from the 60,000th goal. The result will be much higher, as there are still 16 days left to the end of the action.

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For one Spyra One rifle, the creator is asking himself $ 115. So what do we get for almost PLN 500? Red or blue carabiner with display, auto-refill system and two firing modes. One is a traditional continuous stream and the other is a single shot of a “water ball”. The aforementioned display informs us about the ammunition and the battery level, which is enough for 45 fills and 1125 shots. These can fly up to about 12 meters.

The whole is completed with a 750 ml liquid tank, a reinforced and, of course, waterproof construction, charging via a USB type C port or a filter on the pump. The first Spyra One models will hit the market in August 2019, so everyone interested will wait for the right moment to play until 2020.

Source: Kickstarter
Photos: Kickstarter