The kitchen robot has been improved. Flippy 2 can replace many students on a Mac

The kitchen robot has been improved.  Flippy 2 can replace many students on a Mac

Miso Robotics upgraded its Flippy robot to its second iteration based on feedback gathered from a pilot program on the White Castle network a year ago. Now the Flippy 2 kitchen robot can do even more and can replace a large part of the fast-food staff, because it can operate the frying station on its own.

It seems the Flippy 2 robot is already capable of replacing some of the junk food staff. However, this one will still be needed

In the pandemic, even fast-food restaurants were hit, which had to cut costs or panically seek willing employees. It is no wonder then that Miso Robotics has established itself in its important task of providing the market with a way to automate many kitchen activities on a massive scale. The first Flippy from 2017 gave the newer version of Flippy 2 its basics (arm, computer vision, machine learning), but it has been significantly improved.

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It’s a long way from fully automating the kitchen, but now Flippy 2 with the new AutoBin system can handle specialty foods such as onion rings and chicken pieces, plus double the amount of food preparation tasks. It is even able to handle multiple frying containers at the same time, so vegetables and fish can be cooked at the same time without mixing their flavors.

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According to Flippy 2, it can handle around 60 baskets of all kinds of golden-fried products per hour. Compared to its predecessor, it takes up 56 percent less space and is 13 percent shorter than its predecessor. It also has fewer surfaces to be cleaned, which allows for an even greater cost reduction.