The popularity of Windows 11. Steam’s statistics show the truth

The popularity of Windows 11. Steam's statistics show the truth

Windows 11 debuted on October 5, which is practically two months ago. Looking at it, it was hard to predict success for it, but the latest release of the Steam Hardware Survey seems to contradict Windows 11’s low popularity.

Steam statistics reveal the popularity of Windows 11

Of course, Steam’s surveys do not accurately reflect the state of the market, and due to the lack of insight into the research procedure carried out by Valve, we cannot clearly determine how the Steam Hardware Survey results relate to reality. It is certain that this data is collected voluntarily from Steam users, so it relates, in a way, to players.

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According to the latest update for November, Windows 11 is growing in strength, because October’s 1.9% share in the systems market quickly increased to a whole 8.3% this month. Looking at the percentages, the entire 6.46% of the growth of Windows 11 was bought with the “blood” of Windows 10, the share of which decreased by 6.05%. The latest version of Microsoft’s system has thus become the second most popular operating system on Steam, but has a lot more to do to become the “top ten” that still holds a proud 83.38% stake.

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The increases should slow down from month to month, but it is certain that Windows 11 will become more and more common. Not only through updates, because their three cents will also be added to the currently sold laptops / computers with pre-installed Windows 11.