There are more and more educational institutions in Poland, and Poles want newer ways of teaching

There are more and more educational institutions in Poland, and Poles want newer ways of teaching

Currently, over 48 thousand. schools, kindergartens and universities. Over the last decade, there were more and more educational institutions, and their number increased by 17.5%. Although the education industry had to revolutionize its operations last year, it suffered very little in the context of loss of income.

The number of educational institutions in Poland is growing, mainly kindergartens and post-secondary schools

6.3 million children, adolescents and adults are covered by the educational system in Poland, 48.3 thousand of them study. kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, post-secondary schools and universities. These are both private and state institutions. 4.9 million people studied in primary and secondary schools in the 2019/2020 school year (data from the Central Statistical Office). The data shows that over the last decade, a total of 17.5 new educational institutions have been added, but most of them – post-secondary schools and kindergartens.

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And while last year the education industry did not suffer too much in financial terms, and the institutions were not closed, it had to undergo enormous changes. It was necessary to adapt to the new conditions, i.e. to distance learning. Lessons took place through various platforms. One of them is Polish ClickMeeting. In 2021, an average of 35,000 events took place via this platform. classes per month. The average length of such meetings is approximately 70 minutes, but it is worth mentioning that last year they lasted 128 minutes. The average number of participants in educational meetings is 11 people.

Remote learning was a huge challenge for everyone. Now that the students have returned to school, there is growing support for the hybrid mode, i.e. the combination of classroom and remote classes.

The experience of the pandemic meant that schools and universities had to completely revolutionize their organization and approach to science. The mode in which it happened meant that it was not an optimal process and it was accompanied by many challenges and difficulties. Currently, many institutions, especially public ones, are returning to the traditional, completely stationary mode of operation. However, there is a noticeable growing support for the hybrid mode, combining stationary and online learning. According to our report, “How do we rate remote learning after a pandemic year?” 38 percent of the respondents believe that hybrid science has proved to be the best in their case

says Dominika Paciorkowska, Managing Director of ClickMeeting, a Polish company providing a platform for webinars and online meetings