This duo is the best underground explorer, winner of the Subterranean Challenge DARPA

This duo is the best underground explorer, winner of the Subterranean Challenge DARPA

As part of the first DARPA Subterranean Challenge, the organizers invited nine teams with their robots to cooperate more than three years ago. Out of the nine, eight were left, which already demonstrated the capabilities of their systems in practice. Today we know the winner of the main prize.

After many years of work, the winner of the Subterranean Challenge DARPA was selected in the final

For the Subterranean Challenge, robotic systems developed by teams around the world had to move in three types of underground tunnel systems. They corresponded to those mine, city and natural, i.e. caves. It took a long time, because the last three years, but finally we finally got to the final in the former coal mine in the Mega Cavern complex.

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In it, eight teams faced each other again, scoring the final points. After counting them, everything became clear – the international consortium Team CERBERUS did the best in these tests. Its name is an acronym for C.ollaborativE walking and flying RoBots for autonomous ExploRation in Underground Settingsand its members came from several universities and companies.

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This team combined in practice multi-prop drones with four-legged robots, the latter of which (ANYmal C) were the most effective, thanks to their ability to navigate demanding terrain and resilience.