Ukrainian weapons from fishing equipment. Improvised, yet still light years ahead of Russia

Ukrainian weapons from fishing equipment.  Improvised, yet still light years ahead of Russia

War requires improvisation and unusual solutions, and the use of commercial drones on it is a great example of this. These can not only provide information, but also launch attacks, and the Ukrainian fishing tackle weapons are a great example of this.

How to arm consumer drones? Here are Ukrainian weapons from fishing equipment

A short demonstration of how Ukrainians want to arm ordinary drones using fishing equipment has appeared on the web. We are talking exactly about “fishing bombs” to be used as baits, which after inserting a grenade into them (on the F-1 / RGD-5 material) become a lethal weapon. In practice, it is simply dropped onto an enemy unit during flight.

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Although it is difficult to call this type of weapon something perfect, compared to Russia, the Ukrainian improvisation is light years before that. The Russians went in a similar direction, but instead of fishing bombs with much higher accuracy and protection against wind due to their shape and form, they use … plastic cups.

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