Another problem with Windows 10

Windows 10

Windows 10 hasn’t had a good period lately. Every now and then there are some problems with it and it seems that they are not being effectively fixed.

Last month there was an update that was able to delete user files. It turns out that the entire file association system is still messed up. This was checked by HTG employees who confirmed the problem on many Windows 10 computers. So if you want to set Notepad ++ as the default application, the system will open files with Notepad anyway. The problem is also when right clicking, selecting open with and clicking always use this app. When a given file is opened in the selected application, Windows immediately forgets about the settings.

The problem occurs in build 17134.345. It is not known if the October 24 update fixes this issue. Microsoft has to think about what it is doing, because something like this is definitely unacceptable.

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