Microsoft boasts of the number of installed Windows systems

Microsoft chwali się liczbą zainstalowanych systemów Windows

Today, Microsoft announced that 1.5 billion users worldwide have decided to install Windows on their hardware. If you think that Windows 10 is the king, then you are not mistaken … in a way.

It seems that administrators are still defending themselves with their hands and feet against installing Windows 10. Of course, this is often related to the handling of earlier versions, although sometimes the transition to a new solution is not so much impossible, but problematic. Especially in companies that are not very well developed in terms of network infrastructure, which use, for example, Windows 7 and XP, not because they want to, but because their outdated software is not supported on the “top ten”. No wonder that among the 1.5 billion installed Windows, “only” 700 million (according to statistics from July) are different variants of Windows 10.

So it took Microsoft three full years to convince 700 million to install the latest system. Another 800 million will be quite a nut to crack, which will probably help the company abandoning support for Windows 7 in 2020. It is of course impossible to eliminate the older versions completely, because they either do not meet the requirements, or their users will prefer to work around problems with updates “on principle”. In turn, compared to the competition from Microsoft, it just looks good. It is only ahead of Android with 2 billion active devices.

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Source: Wccftech