Another sea mine off the coast of Turkey, i.e. a real threat to ships in the Black Sea

Another sea mine off the coast of Turkey, i.e. a real threat to ships in the Black Sea

The CN-235 naval patrol plane operating as part of the Turkish Navy has detected a sea mine in the Black Sea. It took place on April 6 in the afternoon and after the threat was confirmed, the reaction was immediately made so that the next sea mine off the coast of Turkey would not lead to an accident.

Sea mines are one of the simplest weapons to stop enemy ships. They explode on contact and destroy their hulls

The first mine off the coast of Turkey was discovered on March 26 at an anchorage off the coast of Istanbul, and the second was found two days later near the Turkish-Bulgarian sea border. The third floating mine detected by the plane has already been detected off the coast of Kefken in the Black Sea and is said to be dealt with by the relevant services responsible for neutralizing it. Preventive search for more is currently carried out by two MCM Aydin ships, the CASA CN-235M-100 sea patrol plane and the Tuzla patrol boat, for Turkey itself.

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Turkey is not the only country struggling with mines, because Romania also found a floating mine on March 28 and neutralized it with the help of sappers. At present, there is no clear answer as to whether the defending Ukraine, whose mines may have gotten out of control when setting up defense lines around cities like Odessa, is responsible for their deployment, or whether it is another action by Russia to impede water transport. It is certain, however, that had it not been for the invasion of Russia, the problem would not have existed.

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