Boeing will build new MQ-25 Stingray drones for the US Navy

Boeing will build new MQ-25 Stingray drones for the US Navy

The US Navy chose Boeing to create its first operational drone. The MQ-25 Stingray will be a tanker with intelligence capabilities.

Its range is to allow you to fight at distances much further than before. The company received $ 805 million for the engineering, production, development, and creation and delivery of four MQ-25 drones. They are scheduled to start operating in 2024, so Boeing still has some time to develop them. If the drones perform well, the Navy will buy a total of 100 of them, which will go to all 11 Nimitz and Ford-class ships.

The contract also covers the operation and maintenance of drones. The biggest problem may be maneuvering them on the aircraft carrier runway – one of the many things Boeing needs to solve. The drones will be controlled by the operator, which should facilitate communication and the performance of relevant missions.


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