Custom AMD Radeon RX 6700 XTs Will Hit 2.95GHz Boost According To Leaks

They have not yet been launched on the market, but several rumors have been appearing in the Internet lies for a few weeks. The AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT will be a cheaper alternative to the current RX 6800 and, it seems, the custom models will have a wide margin to overclock that will allow them to reach up to 2.95 Ghz of Boost.

The filtered vBIOS of the RX 6700 XT reaches 2,950 Mhz.

In the portal Igor’s Lab sThey have done with several BIOs of models based on this GPU not yet presented and, by accessing the speed specifications integrated inside it, they have been able to verify that the operating range of the GPu goes from 500 MHz to 2,950 MHz. The memory values ​​have a range from 674 GHz to 1075 GHz.

With these values, the slower variants will have a TGP of 186W, while the faster ones will reach 211W.

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We will have to wait to find out what these new GPUs will offer and if the custom models manage to put the RDNA 2 GPUs at those speeds, figures above those achieved by the higher-end Radeon RX 6800s.

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