Embraer Energia passenger planes will fight emissions

Embraer Energia passenger planes will fight emissions

Latest report CNET reported on the recent presentation of the Brazilian aviation company Embraer, which included Energia passenger planes. It is not a specific model, but a whole family consisting of a total of four concept planes. Their development is intended to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and to help the aviation industry achieve its climate goals.

Embraer showed Energia passenger planes with which it aims to reduce emissions from the aviation industry

The Energia family includes a fully electric plane, two hydrogen-powered planes and a hybrid variant for suburban transport. The latter will be a nine-seater with a hybrid-electric drivetrain that will cut emissions by up to 90%, according to the company.

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Nine seats will also be provided by the fully emission-free Energia Electric variant, but the one using hydrogen fuel cells (Energia H2 Fuel Cell) will already guarantee space for a total of 19 passengers. The most impressive is by far the largest jet, Energia H2 Gas Turbine, with space for 35-50 passengers, which is also powered by two turbines powered directly by hydrogen or biofuels.

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The Brazilian company also revealed that from 2030 it will aim to reduce its own carbon dioxide emissions by 50% to help the entire aviation industry reduce its environmental impact. It will evidently use four new concepts that will enter service in the 1930s if all goes as planned with the upcoming flight tests.