Google patents an interesting idea for controlling a smartwatch

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Despite the rapid development of technology, smartwatches still face various problems. An example is the small size, which makes it difficult to control – the touchscreen is also usually small.

A new Google patent partially addresses this problem. It includes an extensive matrix of sensors that detect gestures and track the movement of fingers in order to improve the use of the device. The patent explains that it is a pair of sensors and emitters that create a virtual mouse pad on the wrist, forearm or back. The photos show that the finger turns into a stylus that can be used on bare skin.

Google, smartwatch, smartwatch control, finger as a stylus, google smartwatch

However, it may take a long time for such a device to be built. However, it is a very interesting idea – possibly also revolutionary. Thanks to it, our interaction with the smartwatch will change radically. What do you think about this solution?

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Source: Wccftech