In 2022, the production of smartphones will increase. There will also be 5G models

In 2022, the production of smartphones will increase.  There will also be 5G models

The production of smartphones in 2022 will increase significantly, and almost half of the models that will hit the market will support the latest generation network – this is what the new forecasts prepared by analysts say.

Anticipated production of smartphones in 2022

The smartphone industry, despite the problems in the semiconductor market, is doing quite well, and next year, according to forecasts, it is expected to see an increase in production. Analysts from TrendForce presented estimated data for next year, and they show that the production of smartphones should reach 1.39 billion devices, which will translate into an increase of 3.8% compared to the current year.

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The leader in production is to be Samsung, reaching 276 million models produced. Such a goal can be achieved by reducing the costs associated with the production of budget models. Behind Samsung were Apple (243 million devices) and Xiaomi (220 million), just slightly ahead of Oppo’s forecasts (208 million). A little further, with an estimated 149 million units, it ended up in vivo. According to the report, these five will be responsible for as much as 80% of smartphones produced next year. This means that companies such as Motorola, Sony, Huawei and Honor will jointly be responsible for the production of about 280 million devices. TrendForce also estimated that approximately 47.5% of models produced will already support 5G, which only shows how quickly this technology is growing in strength.

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