Is AMD preparing special software for Ryzen processors?

Is AMD preparing special software for Ryzen processors?

Yesterday, many journalists received samples of the new AMD Ryzen processors. From that moment on, we can count on many different leaks of photos, results to the network. The first of them concerned the box, however, we can already see photos of the Biostar motherboard or a liquid nitrogen-cooled processor.

One of the most interesting pieces of information concerns the software. Well, in one of the screenshots you can see CPU-Z turned on and something that resembles Radeon Settings. Interestingly, it looks like there are two sliders responsible for overclocking the cores. So it is possible that AMD will present us a new tool for overclocking its structures. It can also be related to the XFR technology, which automatically adjusts the clock to the installed cooling capacity. The plate seen in the photos is a Biostar X370 Racing GT7.

Since the first screenshots are already appearing, there will certainly be specific performance results and comparison to the competition soon. Then we will also get a complete picture of the Ryzens. I still hope that the processors will force Intel to significantly reduce the prices of their cpu.

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