Nokia presents wireless headphones


Along with Nokia 7.1, new devices adapted to the smartphone will appear on the market. They are wireless headphones called Nokia True Wireless Earbud and Nokia Pro.

The first ones weigh only 5 g and come in a case that allows you to charge them three times. Rather, it is essential as the battery life is only 3.5 hours. The headphones are compatible with Bluetooth 5.0 and cost 129 euro (about 550 PLN).


Pro models have a different shape and adhere to each other with a magnet, which makes them easy to carry. Their working time is 10 hours, but the manufacturer does not provide an elegant case with them. They are cheaper, though, as they cost 69 euros (about 300 zlotys). So far, both models are only available for pre-sale. Nokia has not disclosed the date of their first shipments.
