Paid apps on Google Play not available to Russians. Google is blocking updates and downloads

Paid apps on Google Play not available to Russians.  Google is blocking updates and downloads

Sanctions against Russia by countries around the world are still not over. This time, Google decided to limit the access of Russian users to paid applications located in the Google Play store.

Google Play Store blocks download and updates of paid applications in Russia

The Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, and one of its consequences is the numerous sanctions imposed by technology companies. These make it difficult or impossible for Russians to access various products or services. According to the 9to5Google website, Google has decided to introduce a certain restriction once again, again regarding the store with updates. In March, payments on Google Play for residents of Russia were suspended, which prevented them from buying new applications or subscriptions.

The new sanctions again apply to paid applications, more precisely – their downloads and updates. Russian users will not be able to download paid programs from the store, and those that are already installed on their devices will not receive updates. Developers were banned from making them available in Russia. Importantly, even if someone has already paid for an application and would like to download it now – it will not be possible.

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