Scientists significantly improved lithium metal batteries. These are the potentially revolutionary ones

Scientists significantly improved lithium metal batteries.  These are the potentially revolutionary ones

As the future is directly related to electricity and how we will store it, any information on battery development is important in the long term. Today we have for you the discovery of scientists from Tokyo Metropolitan University in Japan who have significantly improved lithium metal batteries, as evidenced by a publication in the journal iScience.

By using a liquid between the solid electrolyte and the electrodes, scientists significantly improved lithium metal batteries

New generation lithium metal batteries suffer from a durability problem that the team has to some extent resolved. The type of battery itself abandons the graphite and copper in the electrodes in favor of pure lithium, which provides a much higher energy density. The mere replacement of the electrodes, however, reduces the overall life of the cells, so over time, the liquid electrolyte was replaced by solid (this is how semiconductor batteries were created).

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The problem is that this solution also has its own disadvantages, which concern, inter alia, the contact between the solid electrolyte and the electrodes, which is why the scientists took a closer look at this crucial element of lithium-metal batteries. Solution? The use of a specific liquid that improves contact and reduces the resistance between the solid ceramic electrolyte, which in turn has provided the world with a prototype battery of this type with significantly improved durability.

The addition of an ionic liquid to improve contact and reduce resistance in practice facilitated the transport of ions between the cathodes, since the ionic liquid is also the ion conductor. The prototype battery showed impressive durability, maintaining 80% of its capacity during 100 charging and discharging cycles at high temperatures of 60 ° C. However, the team still has a long way to go to make the technology a commercial reality. increasing the strength of the ionic liquid itself. However, it is believed that scientists significantly improved lithium metal batteries and developed their potential.

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