The new concept of a delivery drone surprises with its appearance and impresses with its possibilities

The new concept of a delivery drone surprises with its appearance and impresses with its possibilities

The Austrian company Cyclotech has partnered with the Japanese courier company Yamato to develop an unusual CCY-01 delivery drone that uses its proprietary thrust vector propulsion system.

A new concept for a delivery drone

It is said that the CCY-01 concept drone will be able to precisely land in a limited space, while coping with difficult wind conditions. This efficiency is due to an innovative drive system in which the Cyclotech cylindrical rotors rotate at high speed, while several blades change their pitch angle to direct the thrust in the right direction. Below you can see this system in practice.

The CCY-01 uses a total of six such turbines (two at the corners and two at the rear rotated by 90 degrees). This allows the CCY-01 to produce a horizontal sideline without tipping over, which allows it to remain much more stable in windy weather.

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The aircraft is equipped with a Yamayo-designed “Pod Unit for Parcel Air-Transportation” (Pod Unit for Parcel Air-Transportation). In this version, it works like a trolley and is capable of lifting about 30 kg of cargo, and in the air it can be turned to reduce air pressure. In terms of specifications, the payload is 45 kg, the ability to fly up to 40 km at a speed of about 130 km / h.