Why don’t millennials talk on the phone?

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Mobile phones have long since departed from their main purpose – making phone calls. It turns out that millennials in particular are not doing them.

BankMyCell surveyed 1,200 people aged 22 to 37. All people are from the USA and the survey took place between October 1 and October 31. It shows that people of this age simply avoid the nuances of verbal conversation. Any greetings or goodbyes can be avoided by means of short text messages. Also by writing messages, you can do it whenever you want. When answering the phone, you have to spend your time at the moment.

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News also allows you to avoid difficult matters or the family. 81% of respondents also admit that they often feel anxious when talking on the phone. It follows that answering the phone requires courage on their part. Do you agree with the survey results?

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Source: BGR, Bankmycell