World of Trading 2022: meeting place for financial experts

The World of Trading takes place annually. It enables exchange for experts in the financial sector and those who want to become one. This year, too, top experts will be available for specialist lectures and panel discussions on the crypto market. Here, Germany’s most popular trading and financial professionals present the latest topics and strategies and demonstrate them in live trading in front of everyone.

The World of Trading is a combination of trade exhibition, congress and seminar event. From stock exchanges, brokers and issuers to software providers, training companies, specialist publishers and online portals to trade journals, they offer an overview of a wide range of products and enable networking with top contacts in the industry.

Register today for the World of Trading free of charge

In addition to the trade fair, a wide range of seminars and workshops on various trading topics will take place in the WOT premises. It should be noted that places for the seminars are limited. They are awarded according to the “first come, first serve” principle. Seat reservations are not possible.

The World of Trading has existed since 2005. At that time, the financial fair was still called Traders World. In 2008 it received its name, which it still bears today. It is now one of the most important financial events in the German-speaking world. So we are looking forward to welcoming you again at the WOT this year!

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Key dates of the World of Trading 2022

30 September and 01 October 2022
Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m
Saturday. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m
Completely free!

Frankfurt Trade Fair Forum
Ludwig-Erhard-Plant 1
60327 Frankfurt am Main

Register today for the World of Trading free of charge

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