Australia wants to fight internet trolls. Online privacy at risk

Australia wants to fight internet trolls.  Online privacy at risk

According to a Reuters report, Australia could make a big hit to online privacy. Of course, all this in the light of caring for your citizens, because it is officially guided by the “fight against internet trolls”.

In its fight against trolls, Australia may strike a blow to online privacy

Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who describes the Internet as the “Wild West”, has unveiled legislative plans to “make the web more enjoyable.” The first stage of this new law would force all places where people may interact to delete reported entries. Refusing to do so would be tantamount to setting the entire judicial machinery in motion, which could end up being ordered by a court to reveal the true identity of the author of the offensive post.

Such plans to fight internet trolls came strangely quickly after the Australian Supreme Court ruled that media companies could be held responsible for comments on Facebook posts. Unfortunately, as it happens with restricting the Internet and “fighting evil”, it will also hit the “good ones”, because of political activists or critics. There is a great example of this in China.

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