LinkSure creates a network of satellites to provide free internet

LinkSure creates a network of satellites to provide free internet

Although the current development of the mobile network is at such a level that it is difficult to lack access to the Internet, there are still places in the world where it is a real rarity. A rarity for which you still have to pay, although one Chinese company has a different approach to it. We are talking about LinkSure, which creates a network of satellites to provide free Internet access around the world.

The system was named LinkSure Swarm Constellation, headed by the LinkSure-1 satellite in 2019. Immediately afterwards, ten additional satellites will be launched into orbit by 2020, which will be just the beginning anyway, because by 2028 the total number of satellites and data centers is expected to increase to 272 objects. Such an undertaking is simply to avoid the problem of the lack of terrestrial network infrastructure, because according to the data at the moment only slightly more than half of the world’s population has access to the Internet. The project is handled by the company responsible for the Wi-Fi Master Key application, which includes members of CASC, the Chinese Space Academy.

It is obvious that free internet access would have a huge impact on many remote and developing parts of our planet, but someone has to finance it all. LinkSure says the project will cost $ 432 million, supported by partnerships and the apps themselves through advertising. However, this is not the only and probably not the last project of its kind. We’ve heard about the SpaceX plans, the Google Loon project, and even Facebook before, the implementation of which seems to have stalled.

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Source: New Atlas