Drawings from the Quick Draw action went to the Google cloud

Drawings from the Quick Draw action went to the Google cloud

Probably everyone has heard about the great interactive Quick Draw campaign organized by Google in 2016. Now the company has made sure that anyone who wants to use the accumulated resources can simply reach the cloud and not download them to their equipment.

As a reminder, however, I will explain what the Quick Draw action was really aimed at. Well, Google decided to test its system based on artificial intelligence in a slightly innovative style, which is why it asked Internet users to draw simple sketches. These were to be a kind of test for the system, which was simply to recognize them. To date, he has succeeded in over a billion cases spread across 345 categories. These have not only sketches, but also “metadata” with hints and geographic locations of users. However, something that came “from the people” must reach “the people”, which was also decided by Google. So, he made his resources available using Google Cloud Platform in the form of an API interface and the accompanying Polymer component, i.e. the JavaScript language library.

All this so that programmers have easier and much faster access to this data. Why does someone need some scribbles? Well, these can say quite a lot, because many studies have found, for example, that 86% of Americans drew circles counterclockwise, while 80% of Japanese drew them clockwise. Not very exciting? This may be interesting for you with a DIY camera that “draws” photos taken in real time on the basis of Quick Draw sketches.

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Source: Venturebeat