Hyundai takes off the flying car business. Supernal will develop the eVTOL market

Hyundai takes off the flying car business.  Supernal will develop the eVTOL market

Is electric flying taxis / cars / large drones (whichever you prefer to call them) the future? Looking at the recent move of Hyundai, this is what it looks like, because this manufacturer has separated from its structure a separate, second company Supernal, which will deal exclusively with this “new” air mobility.

Supernal, owned by Hyundai, will expand the eVTOL market as one of the pillars for the future of the entire group

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Supernal expects its electric VTOL to enter service in 2028, but the company can expect not just one product, but an entire “family of electric aircraft”. For the entire Hyundai group, not only planes for sale will be at stake, but the overall vision is to create an entire end-to-end multimodal transport ecosystem that is connected, coordinated and only available through one application. This is probably something like a safeguard against the coming era of autonomous vehicles, in which owning a car, especially in cities, will no longer make sense.

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With offices in, among others In Washington and throughout California, Supernal is strongly committed to the legal and political side of US air mobility. It is also working on air traffic control, and this is no wonder, because the first Supernal aircraft will begin the certification process in 2024, and four years later it will hand over its work to the open market. It is said that it will already fly automatically between the given locations, and Supernal will be helped by both HTWO (in terms of propulsion headed by hydrogen) and Boston Dynamics.