AMD is starting to chase Intel in the processor market

AMD is starting to chase Intel in the processor market

At the beginning of the year, AMD released Ryzen processors. They may not have been a great revolution, but finally Intel received decent competition. Thanks to this move, AMD has for the first time in over 5 years gained compared to Intel.

It turns out that since the beginning of the year, AMD has gained 2.2 percentage points in relation to its opponent. The last such growth was recorded in the fourth quarter of 2012 (3 percentage points). It was then that the AMD FX Piledriver processors and APUs had their premiere.

AMD should keep gaining compared to Intel. At the premiere of processors, the company focused heavily to ensure that there were no leaks that even motherboard manufacturers were not well prepared for the new units. This meant that only a month after the premiere, the stocks of motherboards normalized and now you can easily build a platform for Ryzen.

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This data comes from the PassMark report, which examines the market share of processors. The report only covers CPUs that are used in computers and do not stay in stock, therefore it is a good insight into the market situation. I hope that such an increase in the share of AMD will continue and Intel will feel the threat, which will improve the situation on the processor market significantly.
