In the future, even the seat can detect drunk drivers

In the future, even the seat can detect drunk drivers

The current effort is to force car makers to integrate systems in their cabs that will be able to determine if a driver is under the influence of alcohol to prevent them from driving. The question remains, however, how to do this so that you can easily download the results and be sure of them. According to Japanese scientists, the use of cameras for this purpose is not the best idea, and therefore as an alternative, they proposed that even the seat could detect drunk drivers.

How can sitting detect drunk drivers?

A team of researchers at Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology says that basing driver validation systems on both exterior and interior cameras may not work. Both due to the pollution of the former, and the potential problems with an excessively darkened cabin, although it is quite a stretch, considering the current technology. Today, however, not about this, but about the unique idea of ​​these scientists.

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According to them, the ideal alternative to these cameras is a specially enriched seat, which can detect drunk drivers by monitoring their body movements. It all comes down to sensors made of piezoelectric materials that can detect a person’s heartbeat and breathing rate, and sensors that can detect body movements (left or right). The specific behavior is to prove that the given driver is falling asleep.

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The sensors themselves are specially designed to withstand high temperatures and tested up to 121ºC. Scientists now plan to integrate this technology into a real car seat and test it on the road. You can read more about it in the journal publication ACS Applied Electronic Materials.