Intel goes blockchain. The company revealed plans to support the Web 3.0 era

Intel goes blockchain.  The company revealed plans to support the Web 3.0 era

In its latest announcement, Intel wrote about the importance of the development of technology and computing power in the face of the coming Web 3.0 era. Rather than waiting empty-handed for it, Intel is now officially going to Blockchain and it has solid plans for it.

Web 3.0 is apparently heading towards us in great strides. Therefore, Intel goes to Blockchain in order not to regret the lack of reaction in a few years

As we can read in the announcement:

Today at Intel, we declare our intention to contribute to the development of blockchain technology, with a roadmap of energy-efficient accelerators. Intel will engage with and promote an open and secure blockchain ecosystem and help develop this technology in a responsible and sustainable manner.


Intel’s effort will primarily include developing the most energy-efficient computing technologies possible to lower the environmental impact of certain blockchain networks through their tendency to require enormous amounts of energy. The announcement shows that Intel is working closely with its customers (Argo Blockchain, BLOCK, GRIID Infrastructure), to whom the accelerator will be delivered later this year, and this will come down to only a small semiconductor system.

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Intel Labs reportedly spent decades researching reliable cryptography, hashing techniques, and ultra-low voltage circuits. Therefore, the announcements include the development of a blockchain accelerator that will have over 1000x better performance per watt compared to the mainstream GPUs for SHA-256 based mining.

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More details will be announced at the ISSCC conference, and besides, Intel has created a special group Custom Compute Group as part of the Intel Accelerated Computing Systems and Graphics business unit. The goal of this team is to build custom silicon platforms optimized for blockchain loads or the characteristics of supercomputers.