Nvidia Scanner – this feature of the Turing architecture will do automatic OC for you

Nvidia Scanner - this feature of the Turing architecture will do automatic OC for you

Next-gen Nvidia cards may have more useful features than we expected. How about the Nvidia Scanner, which will automatically push the limits of GeForce RTX even further?

Although the tools built into the motherboards that automatically overclock the processor (I’m not talking about the algorithms provided by Intel or AMD) are not very famous, because they often choose the wrong voltage and clocks, in the case of Nvidia Scanner this algorithm can work. Why? Well, because this function is not the responsibility of an external partner, but Nvidia itself. It might seem that Nvidia has nothing to do with it, because the only information on this subject can be seen in the announcement of the EVGA Precision X1 software. Videocardz, however, claims that the local OC Scanner is in fact Nvidia’s solution in the form of the aforementioned Nvidia Scanner.

This one is to be found not only on the EVGA cards. According to rumors, it will even take up space in the Nvidia software – the drivers and settings panel, a separate application or a tab in Nvidia Experience. What will she be responsible for at all? I’m in a hurry to explain, although not too long, because the matter is limited to the algorithm that automatically overclocks the graphics core and memory chips. Your role is to be limited only to setting the limit of the power supplied to the card and the temperature that individual elements cannot exceed. After selecting these parameters, the card will test its capabilities for a certain period of time, and then it will simply overclock as much as possible. Nice? Nice. Efficiently? It is not known. Just like the fact that we can be sure if the reports of the Videocardz service are true.

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Source: Guru3d, Videocardz
Photos: EVGA