One Day, 2050 – Sony has an idea for cities by the ocean

One Day, 2050 - Sony has an idea for cities by the ocean

If in the future climate change forces mankind to conquer the ocean, Sony designers will be able to proudly ask “we told you so”? The Sony project called “One Day, 2050“, Which represents what Tokyo could have until 2050 if we do not slow the rising sea and ocean levels each year by melting glaciers.

Sony under One Day, 2050 answered the question of what could humanity be forced to do

One Day, 2050 originated as a collaboration between Sony designers, visionaries and science-fiction writers. Together, they conducted workshops to try to answer what our surroundings and everyday life will look like, as well as the very approach to life in 2050. This effort resulted in a series of prototypes and short science fiction stories.

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According to this vision, in 2050 people who were made homeless by rising water levels would have to move to “HABITAT”, starting their nomadic life in the oceans. Coastal cities will be replaced by high-tech floating apartment ships drifting across the water in search of food and a safe haven. They would consist of a double structure that would remain stable even in a storm.

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Their structure would include three levels (“floors”) connected to each other by stairs, their equipment would include energy storage, solar panels on the roofs, water treatment and waste management systems, in other words everything that would allow people to survive on the ship. If necessary, they would merge into something like cities.