Radeon performance boost for esports games with Project ReSX

Radeon performance boost for esports games with Project ReSX

With the premiere of the new version of the Adrenaline Edition drivers, version 18.3.1, the upcoming Final Fantasy XV and Warhammer Vermintide 2 have been optimized. A lot of bugs related to World of Tanks, Sea of ​​Thieves and Middle-earth: Shadow of War have also been corrected. However, it is a development of the ReSX project (Radeon eSport Experience) seems to be the most interesting change. After all, free FPS are free FPS, aren’t they?

For starters, maybe a little bit of an explanation. Radeon eSport Experience is an AMD project that aims to improve the performance of the Radeon series cards in esports games. According to the company, the right people have already started working closely with the developers, and the first fruits of their work in terms of optimization are visible in the latest version of the drivers. The design itself is not only intended to increase the frames per second, but also to enable a much more responsive and smooth gameplay. How does it really look like?

In the case of the average number of FPSs, we can count on an 11% increase in PUBG (1080p resolution on ultra settings), 3% w Overwatchu (1440p resolution on ultra settings) and 6% in Dota 2 running in 4K on the highest graphics options. However, a much more important improvement is the improvement of the 1% low factor. In the above-mentioned titles, its growth reaches 9%, 2% and 7%, respectively. In turn, die-hard Overwatch and Dota 2 players can count on a 4% and 8% improvement in hardware responsiveness. As for the latter, I’m terribly curious if anyone will be able to spot the difference.

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All tests were conducted by the AMD Performance Labs team. In turn, the tested computer was equipped with a Radeon RX580 in 8 GB version, 16 GB of RAM clocked at 3000 MHz and a Core i7 7700K processor (4,2 GHz). For now, performance has been improved in three games, but we can be sure that AMD will try to improve other titles in the future. This is quite an interesting move considering the amount of time most players spend in esports titles.

Source: wccftech.com