In United States strange things always happen, and today we know that Razer headphones have saved my life to a young man from Torrance, California. The story is very simple, imagine that you are sitting comfortably at home with your headphones and you notice a kind of blow to the head. When you look, you discover that a stray bullet has entered through the window and has just hit the metal headband of your headphoneswhich have probably saved your life with a margin of error of millimeters.

The protagonist of the story, a boy named “Enough_Dance_956“, revealed his story on the popular Reddit forums under the title of “Razer saved my life“, where he also offered images to bring truth to the story.

Razer Kraken Bullet Shot Headset

“Hello everyone viewing this. I’m trying to get in touch with someone at Razer to thank them from the bottom of my heart. On Wednesday morning at 10:30 a stray bullet went through my window and hit the Razer headset, specifically the top of my head. If it wasn’t for the quality built headphones, I would have been a dead kid at 18. I can’t even imagine all the pain my family and friends would have been through,” he said in his Reddit post .

This story was viralized by Razer’s own CEO, Min-Liang Tanwhich as expected, indicated that it was a very crazy story and that he was proud that everything ended well. Obviously, all users responded to his tweet asking him to give the affected person new headphones. If you are curious to know what headphones they were, they were Razer Kraken.

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Razer Kraken Bullet Shot Headset