Renault EZ-Pro, a conceptual revolution in apartment deliveries

Renault EZ-Pro, a conceptual revolution in apartment deliveries

According to statistics, we are increasingly reaching for online shopping, abandoning traditional shopping trips. However, the current delivery system is not perfect, which Renault wants to change with its EZ-Pro concept.

So he presented the futuristic EZ-Pro project during the Hannover Motor Show in Germany. This one has one goal – to revolutionize the delivery of orders that we place online. At least in large agglomerations, where intelligent technology will surround us at every step. EZ-Pro provides for an extensive network in which purchases with home delivery are to be carried out much more efficiently and faster. Everything is based on a system of futuristic and autonomous “robo-pods”, or electric capsules. These are to follow the leader (read operator or courier), i.e. the superior vehicle with a cabin for the human being. This one will of course be indispensable for deliveries to your door.

Each “capsule” has to be to some extent independent and possible to remotely control and possibly change the currently tracked vehicles. In addition, it is to have the function (as I called it) of wandering parcel machines that will simply drive to the indicated place and wait for customers who have access to the terminal via the application. Receiving the order will therefore be trivial, because it will be limited to holding the smartphone with NFC against the reader. However, this is not the end of ideas for the use of such vehicles. Just look at the picture below – EZ-Pro as a modern foodtruck? I’m in!

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What can I say – Renault with its EZ-Pro may revolutionize home deliveries in the future, but the implementation of such a system will definitely not be the cheapest. Concept like concept.

Source: NewAtlas
Photos: Renault via NewAtlas