Smart contact lenses with microLED displays and eye tracking function were developed

Smart contact lenses with microLED displays and eye tracking function were developed

Mojo Vision’s origins in Saratoga, California, in the field of contact lenses, were far from spectacular. However, the development of the initial design with single LED and wireless power has taken a whole new level and Mojo Vision now boasts of having smart contact lenses with digital displays and eye tracking.

Mojo Vision created intelligent contact lenses

Mojo Vision hopes to break the “wearable” losing streak that has dominated smartwatches with wearable eye technology that combines the best of the world of smart lenses and glasses. To this end, it combined the lenses with high-resolution microLED displays, providing them with the possibility of wireless data transfer, as well as the ability to control the user’s eyesight.

These microLED displays are not just any, because despite only 0.5 mm in diameter, the packing density of the pixel per inch is about 14,000 pixels. In addition, it is not just any display, but a high-quality one that can display something even when the wearer’s eyes are closed. These lenses also use a built-in gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer to track eye movements and work with their own on-screen software.

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Inside the lens are also wireless rechargeable medical-grade batteries, while computing performance is provided by an external module that communicates with the lenses on the 5 GHz band. Mojo Vision has already been used for these lenses by competitive athletes and is testing them with Adidas, but still cannot use them in front of humans due to a lack of approval from the USFDA.