The ACH-1 helmet with built-in air conditioning from the inventor of cooled car seats

The ACH-1 helmet with built-in air conditioning from the inventor of cooled car seats

It does not matter if you are driving or as a passenger – probably each of you had the opportunity to ride a motorcycle in the middle of summer. He concludes that you are prudent, so the helmet was a must for you… which you felt after just a few minutes of riding. Steve Feher overcame the unpleasant effect of too high internal temperature with his ACH-1.

If you know that name, you have a damn good memory. It just so happens that Feher has already shone a few years ago with its devices for cooling car seats. These can be found in models from the brand, Rolls-Royce, Betley, Ferrari, Lexus or GM. Taking advantage of this project, Steve decided to create the ACH-1, which frees all riders of two-wheeled machines from the heat that prevails in a helmet. In summer, it is of course much more noticeable, which is not difficult to confirm after the last heat wave. The creator himself claims that already at the design stage he was convinced of the effectiveness of his idea, because it is based on nothing but cleverly used laws of physics.

You can even understand it from the above video. While riding, the helmet collects cool air with the device, forces it into a kind of “channel” around the head, and expels the warm air outside. Easy? Not really, because Feher’s proprietary patent plays the main role in this. The most important thing for us, however, is that the ACH-1 works in a really nice way. It does not give the head a sudden drop in temperature, but a gradual – depending on the temperature inside. Since we have something quite important in our head, which we call the brain, this helmet not only improves the thermal comfort of our head. It also affects the overall impression of our body, for which we will pay $ 549 – the sale has already started!

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Source: Feherhelmets
Photos: Feherhelmets