Apple’s autonomous car crashed the first time

Apple's autonomous car crashed the first time

The media is always honking left and right about every smallest accident or crash involving autonomous cars. It might even seem that they are the source of all road incidents. Of course, this is not the case, as evidenced by the crash of a car created in cooperation between Lexus and Apple.

The crash occurred on July 24, but only now have details about it come to light, indicating that the technology was not at fault. The incident happened at night at the entrance to an expressway, which an autonomous car was trying to enter. It was traveling at a speed of no more than 1.61 km / h, while the Nissan Leaf driving in the rear crashed into the rear at about 24 km / h. Fortunately, no people were hurt, and the damage to both vehicles is not particularly high.

According to the latest information, Apple has been testing its autonomous cars created in cooperation with Lexus since 2017. They were mainly seen in the city of Cupertino and around the state of California. So far, no road incident involving one of them has been reported. The last crash caused by the driver of a “traditional” car is therefore the first. The Apple solution has a number of sensors that are constantly monitored by a pair of operators.

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At the moment, the company is reportedly testing more than 60 cars, but only in 2023 does it promise to enter the market with its own vehicle.

Source: Wccftech
Photos: Wccftech