They served in Russia, now they will serve Ukraine. How many tanks did the defenders get?

They served in Russia, now they will serve Ukraine.  How many tanks did the defenders get?

You have probably heard more than once about what is happening on the front across our eastern border in view of the takeover of Russian equipment by Ukraine. Most of the takeovers were to be caused mainly by the escape of the Russians due to the lack of fuel and its supplies, but we could also hear about the voluntary return of the tank by one of the soldiers sent for the invasion. So it remains to be answered the question of how many tanks have the defenders in Ukraine acquired?

How many tanks did the defenders get during the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

The sight of the tanks abandoned in the middle of a farmland, pulled by tractors, or even stolen by a representative of the Roma minority, are already iconic images from the front, testifying to “Russian power”. Most of these machines are in fact fully operational and can continue to engage in combat, a resource that Ukraine does not intend to abandon.

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Therefore, after capturing from the beginning of the invasion already more than 130 Russian tanks, the Ukrainian arms industry began to work on them, label them appropriately and, after repairs, put them into the army. Thus, some Russians at the front may occasionally face tanks that were only a dozen or so days ago at the same border military base.

This practice is important because it not only provides defenders with new equipment, but also allows you to learn the secrets of the Russian modernization of the world-famous T-72, which Ukraine has recently started to modernize. Above, you can take a look at the T-90A, T-72B3 or T-72B tanks, which will soon enter the service of the Ukrainian armored forces.

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