This audio system puts the music straight into your ears

This audio system puts the music straight into your ears

When choosing a car trip alone, we do not have a problem with it, but when driving with a group of friends or family, choosing the music is definitely difficult. After all, not everyone has the same taste in music, so the best solution is to just give up any beat. In the future, however, this problem will not exist, as confirmed by, for example, the latest Noveto project. This audio system directs the music directly to the ears of, for example, the passenger!

The Israeli company revealed its discovery in the form of My Virtual Headphones technology at CES 2018. As is the case with such inventions, their operation is very simple and easy to understand, but the patents behind it and the level of advancement itself are the result of many years of work. So, My Virtual Headphones simply means that the sensors built into the audio system track the movements of the listener’s head so that the sound source knows exactly where to direct the sound waves. All this to direct the music to the ears of the listener.

Of course, cars are the best place for this technology. That’s why Noveto is now working with Seat to show you how it works in practice. At the moment, the exact method of operation of such an audio system has not been disclosed, but we can be sure that it will be expensive. There are sensors, many speakers located around the cabin and the system itself that will drive it.

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However, this is not the first such idea. Hyundai-Kia Motors’ Separated Sound Zone was created in line with similar assumptions, but the solution there is completely different and to be honest … simply better at first glance. Judge for yourself:

Source: NewAtlas
Photos: Seat via NewAtlas